Friday, July 4, 2008

Questino to ask patient about acne and forum tri est cream used on face for acne

Getting rid of acne is easy if you just know what works and what works not. If I tell you that it is possible to cure your acne in just two months, without spending any money on medical treatment and products, would you believe me? You better be, because I am a living proof that shows it is possible to cure acne of any severity in just 2 months.
Mild to moderate acne can be treated with cleansing your skin, washing your face once or twice a day with a gentle soap or wash; or using one or a combination of creams. To get the best results from these products it is important that you not only apply it to the present acne but all over the affected area. Using a lotion to help repair dried and damaged skin will also help skin look its best when accompanied by a blemish treatment.
- Avoiding make ups and if you really have to, then use some which are water based. This is because make ups have some harmful chemical which can be the cause of Acne outbreak.
tags: apply coldpack to acne redness yahoo, redness on face from acne, hard acne like nodules in skin

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