Monday, June 2, 2008

Levonorgestrel estradiol pills acne and getting rid of acne

Tea tree oil is by far the best topical acne treating remedy I have ever seen. By applying it directly onto your face or affected area, tea tree oil can effectively kill those acne causing bacterias deep under your skin. Doing so will treat acne as well as prevent it from coming back again.
Acne is not caused by eating fatty foods or chocolate. In fact one of the principal treatments for acne is best taken with fatty foods. Acne is not diet related, irrespective of what you might have heard or read on even fairly authoritative websites. Nor is it related to genetics and it cannot be passed from one person to another. It is not a disease but a skin condition, though bacterial activity is a significant factor.
Acne can also occur because of skin irritation, which can be caused by excessively dry skin. One great acne remedy for dry skin is a moisturizer that contains vitamin A, since it works to provide moisture to the skin without adding any oil. It is usually thin so it doesn't feel heavy on the skin, but provides a great deal of moisture and helps to heal dry and irritated skin. It can be used by almost all skin types, since it doesn't add any excess oil to the skin but provides a great deal of beneficial moisture.
tags: fast acne treatments, home remedy face scrubs for acne, getting rid of redness on your cheeks from acne

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