Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What's the best treatment for severe acne

« ...Picking at the pimples and making them fester will only infect the pimple even more and effect the surrounding area. Some of those deep pimples can really hurt and itch like mad, but if you try to force those to pop, you will be rupturing very sensitive, infected pore sacs under your skin. This can cause some very real complications that can cause serious damage to you....
...Natural skin care cleansers might also be best for you if you are getting laser acne treatment, since you will want to use a cleanser that is not entirely harsh on the skin--this will slow the effects of your treatments, and might interfere with other acne treatments that you might be thinking about using, such as microdermabrasion or glycolic peels. For more information on serious skin care procedures and which one(s) might work for you, go to your local dermatologist for more information on your skin type and how you can be on your way to totally healthy skin....»
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«...I know how difficult it can be to live with acne. Acne is not something that I enjoyed when I had it. It always seemed impossible to cure and immune to all the creams, pills, etc that I would take to fight it. However, after learning some good natural remedies I now know that acne is pretty easy to cure. The reason that acne seems impossible to cure is because so many people out there are offering the wrong type of advice that just doesn't work....»
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tags: top 10 rated acne medications by dermatologists, cure cystic acne, skin acne products

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